Luxury (new) site Sungei Buloh WR C8 mangrove

Andy Dinesh, our Recce Captain mentioned a potential site at Sungei Buloh which falls within the North-West Zone I oversee. So I asked Mendis Tan of Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve (SBWR) about it and asked ICCS founder Kate Thome who was with me earlier that morning along for her expert opinion when we examined the site this morning.

Soon after SBWR’s Desmond Lee drove us to the site Kate and I exclaimed, “what a wonderful site!”

Buloh West recce w_Kate Thome

SBWR NW mangrove recce

SBWR NW recce

A light load of trash stranded against a thin stretch of beach at the mangrove edge. Surrounded by plants in good shape and lots of heartening seedling growth. All against a backdrop of the Straits of Johor. This will be a luxury posting!

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