Chek Jawa Warriors in ICCS!!

Pulau Ubin was unusually active on the morning of Saturday, 17 Sep 2011 – some cheery people were streaming in at considerable volume onto the sleepy island as early as 7.00am.

They were participants of the International Coastal Cleanup Singapore, they were eager to get to work. With great anticipation, these ICCS participants gathered at the jetty and sorted themselves out.

Bumboat trip to Ubin

Participants gathering at Ubin Jetty

The ICCS volunteers tackling the trash at Chek Jawa this year were veterans Oscar & Friends (led by Oscar Ng Hwee Leng) and Sukyo Mahikari (led by Patrick Sng). It also included newer groups such as NPCC HQ (led by Neo Zhu Lin), Blacks Rugby Women’s Football club (led by Christabelle Lim Mee) and SAF Transport Hub East (led by Winnie Seaw Swee Yew).

They hit the shores and started work cheerily. Getting stuck in the mud did not dampen their spirits and all were in good humour.

Cleanup starts! SAF Participants hard at work

Extricating our 'victim'!

Finally, the collected and categorised trash was weighed and dragged out of the shore. Everyone was beaming from satisfaction! The haul of trash from all of Chek Jawa South was a total of 963 kg!

Trash collected on all of Pulau Ubin weighed almost 3,500 kg!!

Plastic bags, plastic beverage bottles and food wrappers/containers were the top three trash items found – 4,818 plastic bags, 3,753 plastic bottles and 2,465 food wrappers. Other ‘noteworthy’ trash include straws, disposable utensils and styrofoam pieces.

SAF Weighing Team having fun!

Undaunted Sukyo Warriors carrying their trash out!

Various groups did their debriefing with their hard-earned data ensuring that the participants gained an important awareness on how our daily lives impact the environment and how to reduce it.

NPCC HQ Debrief

Everyone was safe and sound and accomplished from the day’s efforts – see you again next year! 🙂

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