July 2018 sampling events for NUS–NParks Marine Debris Monitoring Programme


Participants of 12 May 2018 sampling at Noordin Beach, Pulau Ubin.

Are you concerned about marine trash and want to do more than just a cleanup? Then join us in the 2017–2019 NUS–NParks Marine Debris Monitoring Programme!

Join us in the upcoming sampling events for July 2018!
No prior experience is required, just your interest and attention to details and data accuracy! Briefing and sampling supplies would be provided. Please click on the links below to register.

  1. Selimang Beach on 07 July 2018, Saturday, 8:30am – 11:00am: https://marinedebrissampling07jul2018.eventbrite.sg
  2. Pulau Ubin on 08 July 2018, Sunday, 8:30am – 11:30am: https://marinedebrissampling08jul2018.eventbrite.sg
  3. Lim Chu Kang Beach and Mangrove, 21 July 2018, Saturday, 9:30am – 12:00pm https://marinedebrissampling21jul2018.eventbrite.sg

What is it about?
It is a citizen science programme that was recently initiated to engage volunteers, schools, and organizations with an interest to survey and collect data on marine debris found on Singapore’s beaches. Click on this link or the tab above to find out more!

What will we collect and why?
Data on both macro-debris (>5 mm) and microplastics (1 – 5 mm) will be collected from six sites every alternate month. These data collected would supplement the annual ICCS data and form the national baseline of marine debris for Singapore which would help inform marine debris management.


A pile of microplastics collected using a sieve. Microplastics is ubiquitous and include plastics that were originally manufactured small and those that come from the breaking up of plastic products.

How can I get involved?
For individuals who are interested in participating in the data collection exercises, please sign up with this form to receive updates of monthly sampling events.

For schools / organisation, sign up with this form for the programme with 20‒40 participants and you will be guided through the data collection exercise. A research sampling kit and cleanup supplies could be loaned as required

For more information on this programme, please contact Joleen at joleen.chan@nus.edu.sg

Thank you for caring for the coastal and marine environment!