VJC IP students learn about local marine life, threats & how to make a difference!

Eighteen Victoria Junior College Integrated Programme (VJC IP) students who have chosen Marine Biology as their elective learnt about Singapore’s marine biodiversity, threats and how they can make a difference when I turned at the college to give a lecture.

I was raring to go to showcase our local marine biodiversity after tweaking slides from my first exciting ICCS talk experience in 2011 for the Singapore American School Middle School.

18 students & teacher (Eric Lim) listening to stories of marine biodiversity, threats & how every effort counts!

The small group this time afforded opportunities for interaction and queries – the students were intrigued by the identities of sea stars, sea urchins and fishes I displayed and constantly excited, were having quite a lot of conversations with their peers. More time was spent on every single animal or issue raised and I also inserted in two short video clips this time – the release of turtle hatchlings at East Coast Park in August 2005 and the TED talk given by Captain Charles Moore in 2009 about the threat of plastics in our oceans!

Who doesn't love the video of baby turtles returning to the ocean?

I was pleasantly surprised when 1.5 hours passed by so quickly. This talk certainly helped expose these young students to the great diversity of marine organisms we have in our own backyard, the threats faced by the marine environment and how each individual can change their own actions and use their own influence to spread awareness to their others.

Priceless expressions on students' faces during the talk

Thanks to VJC teachers, Eric Lim and June Tan for extending their invitation for us to come and share our knowledge to these small group of interested students. Special thanks goes to Benjamin Tan, our newly elected Tanah Merah Zone Captain who came by to give support and also took all the photos!

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